Speaker Events
If you would like to contact Sherry about speaking at your event, please email her at sherry2white@gmail.com.

I love to encourage women in the Lord and share how deeper dependency on God is the answer to our every day walk. I have spoken at many events over the years on various faith topics and would love to speak at your next event. I'm located in the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia and am close to Northern Virginia, Maryland, and the DC area.
Faith Topics
I am open for speaking on various faith topics, but below you will find topics you may chose from:
* A Call to Remember - I share God's command for us to remember the works of His hand and the importance it plays through scripture and our own lives, as I share my personal testimonies. In breakout groups, women make their own "jar of remembering."
*An Even If Woman - The Story of Esther
*When Life is Uncertain - The Story of Rahab
*The Wilderness Season - The Story of David
*The Making of Room - A Message for Mothers
**Each topic above includes an option for breakout groups to create connection through an activity and/or discussion questions to spark community among women.**